MacTV is a Quicktime 4.0 based viewer for streaming video. It works with Cisco's IP/TV Video Servers and Content Managers to provide video broadcasting and video on demand services to Macintosh PowerPC users.
Note: MacTV is an independent product and is not sold, endorsed nor supported by Cisco Systems.
Main Features:
• Displays streaming audio and video in multiple scalable windows
• Standards based for interoperability (RTP, RTSP, IP Multicast, H.261)
• Displays Program Listings from IP/TV Content Managers
• Displays live or scheduled video broadcasts or video on demand
• Can view MBONE sessions (requires IP/TV Content Manager)
IP/TV services supported:
Displays Program Listings from IP/TV Content Managers
Watch scheduled video broadcasts
Watch OnDemand video with start, stop, pause
Resizable video windows using + and - keys
Question Manager allows viewers to ask questions
SlideCast presents slides along with multicast video
Smart IP/TV server load balancing
Keyword search to locate desired programs
Web Info URL to display related web content
H.261 streams viewable via builtin QuickTime controller
MPEG4 streams viewable via NetShow helper app
IP/TV services NOT supported:
MPEG1 is NOT viewable in the current versions
Password protected streams aren't viewable
SlideCast is not available for VOD programs
Version History:
MacTV 0.7.5 8/29/99
+ Preference setting to list only H.261 programs in program listing
+ Shortcut: Command-click Current button toggles H261 filter mode
+ Better support for multiple monitors
+ New shortcut: Use Up/Down Arrows to scale video window
+ Resizable columns in program listing
o Drag column heading divider to resize
o Option drag for Live resizing
o Double click or Command-click for best fit column sizing
o Live resize preference option
+ Arrow control at lower right of window selects number of columns
+ Looping Option for VOD programs
+ Location Manager Module to switch MacTV preferences when changing locations
MacTV 0.7.1 7/12/99
Better fix for blank listing after bad UTF8 character
Internationalization checkbox no longer needed (much faster)
Command-Click Update button to open Content Manager dialog
Added QuickTime download URL to bad QuickTime version warning dialog
Added Splash screen w/ demo version wording
Extended expiration date to 8/29/1999
MacTV 0.6.9 6/11/99
Worked around TEC issue causing many blank lines in Program listing
Added Drag&Drop support for SDP files
Added pref option to reenable Time validation check
Added pref option for Internationalization support
(since the TEC workaround made it slower)
MacTV 0.6.8 5/13/99
Fixed stack overflow bug in Find command with >150 scheduled programs
MacTV 0.6.6 5/1/99
Use new QuickTime Player icon for saved SDP files
Fixed Question Manager URL session ID
Prevents opening video window unless QT 4.0 is installed
MacTV 0.6.5 4/14/99
Internationalized program listing (Asian fonts etc)
Compatible w/ UTF8 support in IP/TV 3.0 Content Manager
Allows user selectable font and font size (Kanji etc)
Now adjusts video window to actual image size of the stream
Better video video window scaling
Scaling shortcuts like MoviePlayer (Half, Normal, Double, Fill)
Scaling shortcuts like IP/TV (+/- 25% increments)
Displays video scale factor in status bar
Can use NetShow as helper app (must install NetShow for Mac separately)
- MPEG4 VOD and multicast from IP/TV servers
Receives NetShow program announcements from IP/TV Content Managers
Time validation check and warning (compares with Content Manager's time)
Option double click to play program and hide Program Listing
Control click on a program to show Info window
Improved MacOS 8.0 and 8.1 compatibility
Fixed icon transparency in Bevel Buttons
Preserves user sort column when updating the program listing
Built with released RealBasic 2.0 compiler
(QuickTime 4.0b18 automatically downloads components as needed)
MacTV 0.5.7 2/22/99
Better support for multiple Content Managers
Now supports multiple VOD categories
Improved duplicate program detection for identically named programs
Various cosmetic changes to windows and toolbars
Smaller window for audio only programs
Warning message if monitor depth is less than 16 bits
Warning message if QT vers < 4.0 or QTS < 1.0
(QuickTime 4.0b12 fixed DVI crash)
MacTV 0.4.7 2/1/99
Video windows start out at 352x288 again
Improved SlideCast support
Added Color Icons to Bevel Buttons
Fixed Current button time range calculations
Setting/Prefs file can now be in app folder or pref folder
(Allows sending preconfigured settings in archive with app)
Multiple audio or video SDP media segments indicated by lowercase a and v
MacTV 0.4.2 1/24/99
Fixed VOD interoperability (requires Quicktime 4.0b7 or later)
Added SlideCast support
Sorted program listing as default
Added Statistics window
Added Windows menu
Show/Hide main window
Added button to show only currently scheduled programs
Note: The Video windows start at a small size due to a recent Quicktime change. Use +/- to set the desired video window size.
MacTV .0.2.5 12/14/98
First alpha release
For more information visit